
Submit Manuscript

Reseapro Journals uses Manuscript Editorial Manager (MEM) for manuscript submission. MEM is a highly configurable workflow management system optimized to streamline communication between Authors, Editors and Reviewers throughout the peer review process.

Authors submit manuscript files and metadata into EM and act on revision requests.

Editors use the system to review submissions, assign Reviewers, and make/communicate decisions to accept, revise, transfer or reject manuscripts.

Reviewers are invited to review manuscripts, can accept or reject assignments, flag their own availability and specialties for Editors, and perform and submit all review tasks right in the system.

Publishers can see what manuscripts are in the pipeline awaiting publication.

E-mail notification is sent automatically to appropriate person when significant events occur.

Submit your Manuscript at https://www.reseaprojournals.com/emsystem/index.php

Manuscript ID will be provided to the corresponding author within 48 hours for the respective manuscript submitted.

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