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Journal of Plant Research and Innovations



 Dr. Ajar Nath Yadav
Assistant Professor, Biotechnology, Genetics & Plant Breeding Department, Eternal University, India
Email: ajar@eternaluniversity.edu.in


 Dr. R.A. Ilyas
Lecturer, Chemical and Energy Engineering Department, University of Technology Malaysia, Malaysia
Email: ahmadilyas@utm.my
 Dr. Ahmed A. Hussein
Associate Dean, Biotechnology Department, University of Alexandria, Egypt
Email: ahmed.hussein@alexu.edu.eg
 Dr. Khalid Ali Khalid Ahmed
Professor Researcher , Research of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Department, National Research Centre (NRC), Egypt
Email: ka.khalid@nrc.sci.eg
 Dr. Abhishek Walia
Assistant Professor, Microbiology Department, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, India
Email: abhishek@hillagric.ac.in
 Dr. Ratnakumar Pasala
Principal Scientist, Plant Physiology Department, ICAR- Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, India
Email: ratna.pasala@icar.gov.in
 Dr. Bhupendra Koul
Associate Professor, Biotechnology Department, Lovely Professional University, India
Email: bhupendra.18673@lpu.co.in
 Dr. Khaled F. M. Salem
Professor, Plant Biotechnology Department, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute, Egypt
Email: khaled.salem@gebri.usc.edu.eg
 Dr. D. Arulbalachandran
Assistant Professor, Botany Department, Periyar University, India
Email: mutabreed@periyaruniversity.ac.in
 Dr. Pramesh Devanna
Scientist, Plant Pathology Department, University of Agricultural Sciences, India
Email: pramesh84@uasraichur.edu.in
 Prof. Kapil Gupta
Assistant Professor, Biotechnology Department, Siddharth University, India
Email: drkapilgupta@suksn.edu.in
 Dr. Aras Türkoğlu
Associate Professor, Plant breeding and genetics Department, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Email: aras.turkoglu@erbakan.edu.tr
 Dr. Erick K. Cheruiyot
Associate Professor, Crops Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton University, Kenya
Email: echeruiyot@egerton.ac.ke
 Dr. Lakshmanan Govindan
Assistant Professor, Anatomy Department, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, India
Email: lakshmanang.smc@saveetha.com
 Dr. Rajneesh Kumar
Research Scholar, Division of Genetics and Plant Breeding, FAO, Skuast-k, India
Email: rajneesh_phd@skuastkashmir.ac.in
 Dr. Edyta Małachowska
Assistant Professor, Technology and Entrepreneurship in Wood Industry Department, Warsaw University of life science, Poland
Email: edyta_malachowska@sggw.edu.pl
 Dr. Asit Prasad Dash
Associate Professor, Genetics and Plant Breeding Department, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University), India
Email: asitdash@soa.ac.in
 Dr. Biswajit Patra
Assistant Professor, Botany Department, Fakir Mohan University, India
Email: biswajitpatra2011@suniv.ac.in
 Dr. Yasmin Heikal
Associate Professor, Botany Department, Mansoura University, Egypt
Email: yasminheikal@mans.edu.eg
 Dr. Ahmed Abdelhady Rashedy
Associate Professor, Pomology Department, Cairo University, Egypt
Email: Ahmed.rasheedy@agr.cu.edu.eg
 Dr. Ankesh Pandey
Assistant Professor, Biotechnology Department, Meerut Institute of Engineering & Technology, India
Email: ankesh.pandey@miet.ac.in
 Dr. Devendra Singh
Assistant Professor, Biotechnology Department, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, India
Email: Devendrasingh.ibst@srmu.ac.in
 Dr. Yanal Ahmad Alkuddsi
Principal Researcher, Biotechnology Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research , Syrian Arab Republic
Email: yanal.alkuddsi@lammc.lt
 Dr. Olusegun Idowu
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Agroecology Department, University of Maine-Orono, United States
Email: Olusegun.Idowu@maine.edu
 Dr. Md Asaduzzaman
Research Scientist, Primary Industry Department, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Email: md.asaduzzaman@dpi.nsw.gov.au
 Dr. Ana Flávia Seraine
Collaborator, Physiology and Pharmacology Department, Federal University of Piauí, Brazil
Email: flaviaseraine@bol.com.br
 Dr. Jasdeep Chatrath Padaria
Principal Scientist, National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology Department, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, India
Email: Jasdeep.Padaria@icar.gov.in
 Dr. Zain Mushtaq
Assistant Professor, Soil Science Department, University of the Punjab, Pakistan
Email: zain.ss@pu.edu.pk
 Dr. Jitha Bhaskaran
Lab Tech & Instructor, American University In Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Email: jbhaskaran@adjunct.aud.edu
 Dr. Vinay Kumar
Associate Professor, Genetics and Plant Breeding Department, Centurion University of Technology and Management, India
Email: vinay.kumar@cutm.ac.in
 Dr. Jaykumar Chavan
Assistant Professor, Botany and Biotechnology Department, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil University, India
Email: jaychavan@ycis.ac.in
 Dr. Feng Yi
Lecturer, Pomology Department, China Agricultural University, China
Email: fengyi@cau.edu.cn
 Dr. Somdatta Ghosh
Associate Professor, Botany Department, Midnapore College, India
Email: somdatta.ghosh@midnaporecollege.ac.in
 Dr. Priti
Assistant Professor, Biotechnology Department, KL Mehta Dayanand College For Women, India
Email: pduhanbiotech@kuk.ac.in
 Dr. Xinjuan Hu
Associate Professor, Food Science and Technology Department, Jiangsu University, China
Email: 1000005552@ujs.edu.cn
 Dr. Adnan Khan
Research Assistant, Botany Department, Aligarh Muslim University, India
Email: akhan111@myamu.ac.in
 Dr. Raham Sher Khan
Professor, Biotechnology Department, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan
Email: rahamsher@awkum.edu.pk

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